Fall Collection FAQ

When to plant?

All spring flowering bulbs and garlic shipped in the fall needs to be planted in the fall.


Something may have happened in shipping?

All our starter potted plants are shipped as they are breaking dormancy and if you receive your collection and they do not look like as expected.  Please take a picture of the plants and the shipping label on the box and send it asap to mail@horticana.ca customer service.  We want you to be successful with our plants.  After our team reviews the pictures we will gladly assist with cultural guidance and/or send replacements.


Missing bulbs or not the right number of bulbs in a package?

In our packing process, our bulbs are machine counted and packed, but sometimes it may mis count.  If you are missing any bulbs – please contact customer service mail@horticana.ca and provide your PO# 89400….., plus the name and address on the shipping box for our team to better assist and send any missing components asap.


Will all my bulbs bloom this spring?

Yes, all the bulbs in our fall collections, when planted in the fall will bloom in their proper season (Early Spring-Summer).


What to do in spring after flowering?

Once the bulbs have finished blooming, remove spent blooms and allow the foliage to continue to grow and generate food for blooms next spring. Blend in some bone meal or slow release fertilizer to the top layer of the soil.  Trim foliage to the ground level once it has turned yellow or brown.


Can we buy from Horticana directly?

All our collections are only available through Costco.ca.

Our spring-planted collections start populating on their site in mid-Feb for pre-ordering and we start shipping the end of April.

Our fall-planted collections start populating on Costco.ca in Mid-July and we start shipping at the end of September. Please note as the collections sell-out they will drop off the Costco.ca site.



All products available exclusively at Costco.ca